Parish Blog

"There shall come a Star out of Jacob, and a Sceptre shall rise out of Israel"

Nm 24:17


Talita Cum

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Sant Joan Baptista

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El Sagrat Cor de Jesús

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La Santíssima Trinitat

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Sorry, this entry is only available in Catalan For the sake of viewer convenience, the content is shown below in this site default language. You may click one of the links to switch the site language to another available language. En l’Antic Testament la Pentecosta era la festa de la sega que el poble d’Israel […]


Jesucrist, el Bon Pastor

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Trobant Crist en les Escriptures

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Realment el Senyor ha ressucitat!

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Pecat, penitència i conversió

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La Quaresma és temps de conversió

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Germans, alegreu-vos sempre

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Viure en actitud de vetlla

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La Vigilància com a virtut

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Jesucrist, Rei i Jutge Universal

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Servir fa feliç i dona vida

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Convidats a les noces

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Signes dels Temps. Treball decent

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2017-04-23 (1)

Canvis a l’Arxiprestat

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Eren com ovelles sense pastor

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holyTrinity (1)

Un Déu Trinitari

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Créixer en la Fe

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Jo seré amb vosaltres cada dia

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Testaments per amor

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Amb flors a Maria

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Diumenge del Bon Pastor

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